상단 이벤트

주식회사 블루젠

(주)블루젠은 언제나 고객여러분을 최우선으로 생각합니다.


Non viral in vivo delivery

(Polyplus) in vivo-jetPEI® 0.1mL 0.5mL 요약정보 및 구매

DNA, siRNA, miRNA, mRNA,shRNA | Lung, spleen, systemic | in vivo ready-to-use cationic polymer solution for: in vivo functional study, oncology therapy, DNA vaccination/immunization

판매가격 전화문의
배송비결제 주문시 결제
카달로그 in vivo-jetPEI®
제조사 Polyplus
모델 101000040 / 101000030


등록된 상품이 없습니다.

상품 정보

상품 기본설명

DNA, siRNA, miRNA, mRNA,shRNA | Lung, spleen, systemic | in vivo ready-to-use cationic polymer solution for: in vivo functional study, oncology therapy, DNA vaccination/immunization

상품 상세설명


in vivo-jetPEI®

Molecule delivered



in vivo functional studies (overexpression, knock-down, CRISPR genome editing)
Cancer Research

Targeted organs

All organs

Injection routes

Various systemic and local administration routes

Number of transfections

eg. 100 µl of in vivo-jetPEI® delivery reagent is sufficient to perform 15 to 25 intravenous injections in mouse.


Store in vivo-jetPEI® at -20 ± 5 °C.
Expiry date is indicated in the certificate of analysis (available in "My account") and on the product.

Provided with

10% glucose solution


in vivo-jetPEI® is the most advanced in vivo transfection reagent for safe and efficient in vivo delivery of DNA, si/miRNA and other oligonucleotides in animal models. With a track record of over 700 publications, in vivo-jetPEI® is the consensual in vivo transfection method for in vivo functional studies, cancer research and immunization/vaccination.

Table 1: Range of in vivo-jetPEI® quality grade reagents for each step of in vivo DNA, si/miRNA transfection. in vivo-jetPEI® is available as an R&D grade for fundamental research and proof of concept studies. For preclinical biodistribution and toxicology studies and early phase clinical studies, we supply a higher preclinical grade in vivo-jetPEI®. GMP in vivo-jetPEI® is the highest quality grade available to meet quality demands in Human clinical trials.

Ordering information

Reference NumberAmount of reagentAmount of 10% glucose solution
101000040in vivo-jetPEI® 0.1 mL10 ml
101000030in vivo-jetPEI® 0.5 mL2 x 10 ml


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